Hey Nunnie Nunnie and The Renaissance Man
Hack & Slash X-Mas 2006 (2)
Hack & Slash X-Mas 2009
Hack & Slash X-Mas 2010
Hey Nunnie Nunnie Official Website
"God loves me more, God loves me more, God loves me more than you!" - Philomena singing her favorite song to Mother Redempta
The Reverend Mother Redempta and Sister Philomena Claire make up the Hey Nunnie Nunnie show. Their show is set up as if it is a counseling session for the audience, and they sing silly songs to help people out. The songs that they sing are really fun and catchy, and once you hear "Sin" or "There were Five Constipated Men in the Bible", you'll have them stuck in your head for days. They have a great chemistry together and their show flows really well. Even after we've seen it so many times, we still laugh at the same parts every time. Even their commercial breaks are funny!
We first saw their show in 2006 because, as with The London Broil, we knew that they were going to be in the Hack and Slash Christmas special and we wanted to know what their show was about. As soon as we sat in the audience, we knew we were in for a fun time. Both them and The London Broil were a staple in the Christmas Special for several years, and that era was most definitely our favorite. They've sold several different music/sketch comedy CDs over the years and we especially enjoyed their Christmas one that includes such hits as "What Would Satan Want For Christmas?" and "The Christmas Wrap".
Though they haven't returned to the faire in several years, we still have extremely fond memories of their regular show as well as all of the Christmas specials they were a part of. Mother Redempta and Philomena Claire are two talented and funny ladies, and we'd love to see them again in the future.
